May 29, 2015

CathCon Daily - 5/29/2015

As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy. - Christopher Dawson

Shantytown Sweden - John Wennstrom, City Journal

Fragility of the Republic - Joseph Bottum, Liberty Law Blog

The Left’s #WarOnNerds Shows They’re Getting Desperate - Mytheos Holt, The Federalist

France’s Food Laws, Creativity, and Combat - Tyler Miller, Intercollegiate Review

Parenting in America - Gracy Olmstead, American Conservative

NC Protects Religious Rights In Same-Sex Marriage Debate - D.C. McAllister, The Federalist

The Futility of Stimulus - Gerald P. O'Driscoll, Jr.

Religion...Key to Christopher Dawson’s Culture - Robert M. Woods, The Imaginative Conservative

The Wrong Way to Respond to Critics - Stefano Gennarini, First Things

Universities Have Grown Bloated and Dysfunctional - Michael Barone, Human Events

Decline and Schism in Religion - Ross Douthat, New York Times

Why American Allies Won’t Fight - Patrick Buchanan, American Conservative

Blood Lust & Why Most Historians Get it Wrong - Stephen Masty, The Imaginative Conservative

Gorgeous 19th-Century Illustrations of Owls and Ospreys - Maria Popova, Brain Pickings

Talking Benedict Option - Rod Dreher, American Conservative

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