June 4, 2015

CathCon Daily - 6/4/2015

But the princes, putting the words of their wise men to naught, thought each to himself: If I but strike quickly enough, and in secret, I shall destroy these others in their sleep, and there will be none to fight back; the earth shall be mine. Such was the folly of princes, and there followed the Flame Deluge. - Walter M. Miller, Jr.

Obama’s Reformation - Adam J. White, Weekly Standard

Our Voyage, and Bruce Jenner's - Brad Miner, The Catholic Thing

Thoreau: The Anti-Nomocrat - Josh Bowman, Nomocracy in Politics

Defending Citizens United in Hostile Territory - John O. McGinnis, Liberty Law Blog

Shut Up, They Explained - Donald McClarey, American Catholic

A CIA Guide to Assassination - Daniel Gabriel, American Conservative

A Leaky Economy - Susanne Trimbath, New Geography

Depth and Desire - Eva Brann, Imaginative Conservative

African-American...Reflects on the Transgender Movement - Nuriddeen Knight, Public Discourse

Why Bruce Jenner Can Never Be A Woman - D.C. McAllister, The Federalist

Jenner: You Could Really Be Hurting People - Walt Heyer, The Federalist

Liberal Prof Afraid of Mao-ish Students - Rod Dreher, American Conservative

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