March 26, 2015

CathCon Daily - 3/26/2015

All of us need an identity which unites us with our neighbours, our countrymen, those people who are subject to the same rules and the same laws as us, those people with whom we might one day have to fight side by side to protect our inheritance, those people with whom we will suffer when attacked, those people whose destinies are in some way tied up with our own. - Roger Scruton

Forgetting Allen Tate - C.C. Pecknold, First Things

The Hideous and the Damned - Michael Davis, Imaginative Conservative

The ACLU’s Betrayal of Civil Liberties - Carson Holloway, Public Discourse

Why Is the Angry Left So Angry? - Robert Tracinski, The Federalist

The Campaign To Make You Care About Climate Change - David Harsanyi, Federalist

A Helluva Show - James Panero, City Journal

Gustave de Molinari’s Final Words - Louis Rouanet, Mises

Conservative Reform, Chesterton, and the Chieftains - Peter Lawler, Imaginative Conservative

I Wanted That Kid Dead - Russell Saltzman, First Things

CA Should Prioritize Regular People - Joel Kotkin, New Geography

Edmund Burke and Patriotism - Jack Kerwick, Nomocracy in Politics

Alfred Hitchcock by Peter Ackroyd - Bee Wilson, The Guardian

Cold Comfort - Robert Bryce, Weekly Standard

How Poor Are the Poor? - Thomas Edsall, NYT

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